picture posting


New Member
Helo, I cant find my earlier posts. Can somebody tell me how to post pictures? Not very computer smart but can follow directions. Help me to help my fishies please. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by 8mlawrence
Helo, I cant find my earlier posts. Can somebody tell me how to post pictures? Not very computer smart but can follow directions. Help me to help my fishies please. :happyfish
First, go to the bottom of the posting page and click "Manage Attachments". Then, when the window pops up, click browse and find them on your computer. After you have located them, click upload. If they are bigger than 500x500, you will need to make them small. You can do this in paint by usnig the "stretch/skew" feature. If you need any help resizing them, I will do it for you if you want to email me the pictures at Ry84@MSN.com.