
The tank was set on Feb 7,02. (The sand and the rock was from my old tank , set in Dem 3, 96 , a 50 G tank) . The size is 48.8"x27.2"x23.6";Sump is 29.5"x17.7"x17.7" .
I use a marco skimmer ASF100 in the sump ,and a AB-1000 in the up tank with a UPS 650VA ,1 x ca-reflection,and 2xNit.
The light is HQI 150WX2 X 6 hrs + 18WX2 X 10 hrs + sunlight x 3-4 hrs a day . abt 140+ G inside,
The water condition is
KH-9-10, Ca=460-480 , T= 25.7-27.2 (C) , PH=8.2-8.3 , NO3=15-20.
There are too many fishes in my tanks...I will move some "bad fish" but pretty ones to my another FO tank ( abt 55 G + ) recently....they are piggy fish...eat lots a day....
I use semi- berlin and traditional way to handle my water condition.
There r abt 60 Kgw LR and abt 50 kgw old sand when I set it .
And there r also a 30w St. 24 hrs a day and a O3 with 2hrs a day.
Thx for ur comment. My tank is just a normal one in Taiwan.
There r many pretty tank of my frineds...
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