Pictures can only describe this...



Well, at my LFS today, I went in to pick up some supplies and they had this fish. It had been there since Summer and it looked real hideous but I was unsure of whether or not to get it. For $18.99 today, I couldn't resist. It was sold to me as a Red Dogfish, but I am thinking it is a Toadfish of sorts. Any ID? The following two pictures can't really be described exactly...


crypt keeper

Active Member
That thing is badass! Its one of the coolest fish I have seen. Did they tell you how they were taking care of it?


Active Member
it looks to be a toadfish to me also and yes they are uglyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. and will eat anything it can get them huge lips around

crypt keeper

Active Member
I believe its called a Bocon Toadfish. Their are 3 related species to the scientific name.
Amphichthys cryptocentrus


Thank you!!! I agree, it is ugly, but in a beautiful sort of way! LOL. They just said that it was eating goldfish, silversides, and any meaty food.... Yes, there is a Damsel fish that is VERY bold in there. It goes up to my Fimby and SFE (both close to 2 feet) and tail slaps 'em in the mouth... Hopefully, it has enough brains not to come near this thing...
He's close to a foot in length as well... (the Toadfish, not Damsel.)


crypt keeper - That looks pretty dang close to it... Are they nocturnal? One other thing, is it normal for them to lay in freakish positions?


Active Member
Arlene my LFS had one also and they will LAY ANYWAY that they can in the rockwork and such to hide like they would in the wild. They are an ambush Predator so say BYE sooner or later to your Damsel however maybe you will not be crying to much over that loss.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Its not done growing I know that much. They get over a foot if its the correct one we are talking about. They like to hide in rocks and caves. Ambush predator. They have no venom like some toadfish do.


Active Member
Wow, that is truly amazing looking and horrifically ugly at the same time
Congrats, what size tank do you have it in?


LOL! I love the ways you guys are describing this fish!! I have it currently in my 125 Predator... This summer, I am hoping to change that to 240 Predator!
It seems to be in a "normaler" position now. Pushing along here and there with its modified pectorals... All fish are on the opposite end of the tank... Damsel is still there. It seems to be keeping its distance amazingly...


I have heard of a few people here in FL who have had them... I have personally only seen 2 at my LFSs...


Well, after feeding, I got a couple close-up Macro Shots of his face... It is just creepy. He also has a nice set of teeth... He ate a few silversides and so far, the only fish that has dared go near him is my Porcupine Puffer... I think they are all horrified.
LOL Enjoy!



I like the second picture a lot! That would be a great avitar!