Pictures of my 29 gallon

OK, I recently moved into an upstairs apartment, And since i wouldn't be able to have anything bigger, I moved to a 29 gallon tank only. I just set it up and want toshow some pictures. you will have to excuse the live rock, I experienced quite a bit of die off since it was out water so long. the setup is as follows:
3-4" DSB (Live)
Approx. 20 Lbs of LR
Prizm Skimmer
2 Powerheads
2x 55w bulb lighting (1 acintic, 1 regular)
I was thinking of running this without any kind of mechanical filtration, would this work?
edit: forgot the pix : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I know for sure that I want a pair of percula clowns, but beyond that I am unsure, I hope to get a flame angel because they are probably my most favorite fish out there.

cap'n pete

Great start! Check out my homepage on my 29G for some ideas. Just click on the house on this post or my signature. Just add the Flame last and after the tank is well established. They can be sensitive. Keep me updated! I love 29G's!
you both have nice setups. go with the flame angel it would look great with the clown. Cap'n Pete what kind of light do you have on the shrooms?

cap'n pete

Thanks. It's currently a Custom Sealife smartlamp (50/50), 55W PC. Plan on adding a second 55W for total of 110W of PC. I should be able to keep medium light requiring coral with that.


Capn Pete,
Sounds like we have very similar set-ups, I am also using the 55W smart light, and will be ordering another one this week. I also retro-fitted the standard flourescent bulb that came with the hood when I bought the tank and put a 50/50 bulb in it, so my total will be right about 130 when done.
Now working on setting up a 15 gal sump for it.
Good luck with yours!!

tru conch

Active Member
nice 29g tanks! capt pete, you will be happy with the 110 W over your tank. thats what i have over my 29, its alot of light over a small tank. i dont have a flame in the 29, but my pygmy in my 29 is a riot to watch. gotta love the dwarf angel family. good luck with the set up.


i m gonna transfer everything from my 10 gal tank to my 29 gal tank this aug. ill be running a CPR bak pak and 3 PHs. the lighting would consist of 1 175w MH and 2 36w Pcs. i had planned on running 2 175w MH and 2 36w PCs but a few people have told me that it was going to be an overkill. i still have to build the canopy for it tho. here are a few pics of whats currently in my 10 gal tank.<a href="" target="_blank">Finger leather.</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Xenia frags.</a><a href="" target="_blank">Xenia colony.</a><a href="" target="_blank">Another pic of the finger leather.</a><a href="" target="_blank">LAst one.</a>

salty james

I have a 29 too. Great looking tanks guys..
Need to upgrade my lighting.
Do any of you have the eclipse hood ?
Do any of you know a good retro for the hood ?
The LFS said to use a PC with 2 55W. Like you guys, but I love the 03 actinic lighting that I have with two 20W big 40W woohoo!
Thanks for the input,

cap'n pete

Salty James,
I believe my light was a retrofit for an eclipse. It's a Custom Sealife 55W SmartLamp. Comes with bulb, ballast, reflector, wiring, and connections. It didn't come with a switch because I think you use the existing switch of the eclipse. If you plan on using the eclipse hood I think you will only be able to get 1 55W in there.