Pictures of my clowns


This is my first post in this section ( I normally stay in the FOWLR ) section. I love my clowns so much that I thought I would dedicate some pictures to them. feed back requested !


Very nice, I know what you mean, it's hard to decide which are my favorite. I think my ocellaris, they just spawned. Your carpet looks like an orange/ yellow color, is that for real or strange effect from flash? What ever the color they look very happy/ healthy. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the nice things said. The carpet is green and if he were to extend all the way out he is 1 foot long. During my accent lighting phase of the day and the moon phase the anenome looks cool colors. There is another sabae anenome that I had put in for the black clowns but they never took up camp. The anenome has gone around the backside on an out crop of rock. I am just starting to add some corals and going to be adding mushrooms. I made sure I had all the right equipment and everything the way I liked it before I started to turn it into a reef. I added my first corals a little more than a month ago and they are fine. So I'll be adding more soon.


Originally Posted by scottallert
does your cleaner wrasse eat brine?
or w/e foods you feed your fish?
My cleaner wrasse eats brine and mysis. I have had him for more than a year and a half and hes fat and happy. He does clean the other fish too, sometimes to the annoying point. If I stick my arm in the tank I always get some nips from him too. There is actually 23 fish in this tank and 290 lbs live rock. I feed heavy and the clean up crew has 250 blue legged hermit crabs, snails ( about 25 between DT and refugium ) a few emeralds and a decorator crab. My water parameters stay perfect too for such a large load. Its all in the power of your fiteration. Check out mine. I also added a picture of my blue tang under moonlighting. let me know what you think ?