Pictures of my new crazy orange/blue ricordeas


Active Member
The first picture is from the front with a flash. The rest are shot with no flash from the top of the aquarium looking down. 10k 250 MH's and actinics on.
I have never seen such bright orange with a deep blue center :joy:
They came shipped with 2 ounces of water in a bag of air????
So they are a little stressed right now, just got them 1 hour ago. I didnt know they were going to be shipped that way, I mean I have heard about dry shippping but I would think a moist towel would have helped some to make the journey less stressful.
And a picture from the top of my Crocea's
Let me know what you think about that shipping method

efish :happyfish nsea



Active Member
wow!!! those are gorgeous,,the colors are so amazing. thankyou for sharing those...have a great day...


Active Member
Thanks everyone...I'll post some more when they open up.
Does anyone have any input on the shipping method used

efish :happyfish nsea


I HAVE GOT TO have some of those, will you email me also with link where you got them? thompsonj6969 @ hotmail dot com all together ofcourse!


Active Member

Originally Posted by efishnsea
Thanks everyone...I'll post some more when they open up.
Does anyone have any input on the shipping method used

efish :happyfish nsea



Active Member
They probably could have used more water but, as long as there was plenty of air in the bag, it should not be an issue. I rather it be shipped in a bag with a little bit of water than a ziplock with newspaper! They look great for you just getting them! You have a beautiful tank, so jealous! What kind of camera did you end up getting? Hit me up w/ an email, I would love to work out a trade or a deal concerning some of your rics please Melly3218@ Thanks for the pics!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
They probably could have used more water but, as long as there was plenty of air in the bag, it should not be an issue. I rather it be shipped in a bag with a little bit of water than a ziplock with newspaper! They look great for you just getting them! You have a beautiful tank, so jealous! What kind of camera did you end up getting? Hit me up w/ an email, I would love to work out a trade or a deal concerning some of your rics please Melly3218@ Thanks for the pics!!
Hey Melly

Thanks, I'm still using my Nikon coolpix 4600, have not decided yet :thinking: . I'll email you soon about some trades

efish :happyfish nsea


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
I LOVE EM>>>>>you have to email me the link where you got em... *Email Removed*
They removed your email