Pictures!! Tiny moving dots all over my tank.


LFS says planaria, no big deal, no treatment just let them cycle through tank. it's been aobut a week, and not getting better. I also found a bristle worm this morning. all the "things" floating in water make it appear hazy. Tank is almost 3 wks. old. Is it really no big deal with no treatment? How long for them to go away?



it would be great if they are copepods, I'm just worried one day I'm gonna wake up and all the dots are now little wiggling worms. I would like to have a green mandarin but thought I wouldn't have enough copeopods for a year.
they do have copepods you can supliment with,but mandrins need lots,and lots of them
my clown eats some of my lager copepods
If your little critters on the glass are a rust color, they may be Red Planaria flatworms. They can get totally out of control. I would get another ID from someone esle to be sure.


Active Member
They could still be flatworms, but the clear ones will go away. But you couldn't have flatworms unless you have copepods, as that is what flatworms eat. So, they are probably pods.


They should do no harm but if you really want to get rid of them here is a suggestion. They seem to like light, so leave your tank light off at the end of the day for about a half hour to an hour, then simply turn the light back on. They come out to go towards the light and feeding frenzy in sues. This worked in my tank and my fish devoured a whole mess of them, bringing the population down.....give it a try...?