Picures of my Nano

I want to start off with a BIG thanks to everyone on the board, you've all helped me big time.
Here's a few pics of my tank so far. The back drop is temporary till I paint it blue, I want to get another peice of LR and more corals and stuff. I put in new reto fit lighting this past weekend and that made a huge difference!!!! We went from a 13 watt to a 36 watt combo bulb.
Let me know if you have any questions about the tank, I'd love to tell ya.


New Member
Great little tank you have there!! I am in progress of doing the same sort of thing (nano tank) with my 15G eclipse.
What size is your tank? And what sort of lighting?
My lfs has a 20G eclipse with the 2 flourescent bulb combo and can keep some shrooms etc just like yours ... but I am wondering if my single flourescent bulb (power glow) would be adequate in my 15G?
It's a 12 gallon bow front Eclipses system. I put in a 36 watt combo PC light, I ordered the retofit pack off the internet. So I have 3 watts per gallon this is enough to keep most softies. I have the one power head and use the filtration that came with the tank and do two 21/2 gallon water changes a month. The tank inhabitants are: Ocelliars Clown, Bi-Colored Bleenie, 5 Nassias snails, 4 Bumble Bee snails, 1 Zebra hermit, 3 Sexy Shrimp, 1 Pom Pom crab, 1 Queen Conch, 3 Spaggitti worms, 2 Shrooms, Finger Leather, Hairy Mushroom, Green Star Pyolp and some Button Pylops.
I think that's it...........................
I am still making my list of what I want next.


Nice but what is a sexy shrimp? I have 3 SWF tanks never heard of a "sexy" shrimp. I don't think any of them look "sexy" beautiful maybe but sexy I'm lost there. Got any pics?


Active Member
I'd like to change my 10 gal tanks 15 watt bulb to one with more than 15 watts. What do I need to do to accomplish that?
Nice tank...
ps.. I'll trade you my yellow damsel for your clown.. haaaaa
I don't know what kind of hood you have or if you even have one. If you have no hood then you can buy a clip on light. If you have a hood then I suggest you get a reto fit kit. I bought mine from AHSupply. I had never done any kind of wiring before and was a little nervous about the project, but the directions were REALLY good and the whole thing was easier than I thought. When looking for a light I suggest you get the most wattatge you can. You can't have too much. I ended up mounting the ballest to the outside back of my hood becouse it didn't fit inside, this worked out great.
Let me know if you have anymore questions.


Active Member
I just have the 10gal full hood this aquarium came with. 15 watt bulb sitting over the clear plastic hood. I was thinking of just getting the Coral Life 50/50 bulb but its only 15 watts. So.... I need to do something....
AH Supply - online?
Whats in the upper right corner of your tank?
Well the 50/50 or combo bulb would be better, but still 15 watts is pretty low that's only 1.5 watts per gallon and you need at least 3 to have soft corols and other low light stuff. Yes AHSupply is online. And the blue thing in the upper right hand corner is a magna float (cleans glass) if you don't have one i'd pick one up for sure!!!!


That's an awesome tank. I have a 5.5 gal and wanna start a nano too. Is 20 watts of lighting enough?? It's a powerglo.
ivanfj, you're at about 3.5 watts per gallon in my opinion this is plenty of light to keep most softies. I'm not totaly sure what the PowerGlo is, does it have one blue bulb and one white?


Hm. It's like NO fluorescent I believe. It's not very strong. It came with the tank when I bought the 5.5.
What are considered softies?? like finger leather??