Pigmy Angel & Damsels


I have two questions.
1) I have two damsels in my reef tank that I want to take out, but I don't want to tear down the reef getting to them. Any one have any recomendations.
2) I am interested in putting a pigmy angel in the reef tank. What are their habits like? Will they eat at the corals, or the inverst?
Thanks for the help.


Most of the Pygmy Angels should be fine for your reef. Flame Angels, Coral Beauty, Lemon Peels.....They're all colorfull fish. As far as the damsels, I had luck gitting my 3 yellow tails out by setting a net in the tank for a few hours before feeding time. Then when it come time to feed i would drop the food near the net and snag em' as they come out. It may take a little while, but they won't pass up on feeding time. Good Luck...


New Member
I have one pygmy angel. He's a great fish. He eats algae and leaves the coral alone. He swims through the rocks, but stays in view all the time. Great fish.