Pimp my liverock


New Member
I bought what I thought was a great deal on liverock... and added the rock, not being able to figure out how I could aqua-scape the liverock effectively. I have CUC and 2 clowns, and a fire shrimp in there now. I want to make my liverock work better before I add more fish. What can i do with my current setup?



Probably not the answer you want to hear but I would say you need to buy more live rock as a first priority


yeah, try like 2 lb. per gallon, at the least 1, it will make the tank look full and give fish places to hide and sleep. Search local online classifieds. I have never paid more than $3 a lb.


+1. Definitely need much more rock there. I would go grab a black piece of poster board also to use as a background. I would usually say paint the back, but you already have everything set up there.


Active Member
I agree with what has already been said. I would add more work and then worry about aquascaping it. You really don't have enough to work with right now.


if you have multiple LFS, i'd check out each one and look for interesting shapes. you may want to look at several FTS and get some ideas. one thing i can say is that beyond the 'scaping you have in mind, stacking LR is like doing a puzzle. there is a way that each piece will fit and kinda "lock" into place. turn each piece until you feel it get stable (i actually give my LR a "wiggle" test to check it).
also, try to sit the bottom pieces on the tank bottom then move the substrate around the base so burrowing fish and critters can't destabilize it.


Well-Known Member
+1 to most...
just wanted to add use some bigger pieces on the bottom and i was lucky enough to get some flater pieces as well for like covering holes to make caves and stuff. Look at other peoples tanks on here to get ideas. You will prob change it up a least 3 or 5 times before your happy with it..lol i also do a wiggle test and push down...


Active Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///forum/thread/378717/pimp-my-liverock#post_3289169
if you have multiple LFS, i'd check out each one and look for interesting shapes. you may want to look at several FTS and get some ideas. one thing i can say is that beyond the 'scaping you have in mind, stacking LR is like doing a puzzle. there is a way that each piece will fit and kinda "lock" into place. turn each piece until you feel it get stable (i actually give my LR a "wiggle" test to check it).
also, try to sit the bottom pieces on the tank bottom then move the substrate around the base so burrowing fish and critters can't destabilize it.
Tetris is a great game, however aquascaping is a better game. But it is a game that I just dont win. I agree with moving pieces around and getting them to "sit right" but once you get it, dont change it. I have never gotten my rockwork back to the original formation and I dont think I ever will.
I would say to get 1.5 pounds per gallon. Bobs list usually has a lot of listings for LR and if there is a local reefers club, someone on there will always be selling rock. In my local reefers club, someone is giving away live sand and selling LR for about $2 a pound.