Pincushion Urchin picks up EVERYTHING..HELP!


New Member
I just recently purchased a Pincushion urchin.. and it seems as it travels around the aquarium it picks up plants, crabs, snails... everything it can, and carries them around....
It this normal???
Did I make a mistake???
I don't like it plowing and carrying off everything in sight.
Anyone with experience with these???


Yes they do. They will peel off algae or pick up molts and throw it up on their backs for later. That is just what they do. They are very interesting creatures.


Active Member
That is normal behavior for many urchins, and the is little you can do to stop it I'm afraid. It is a camouflage technique.


It's really not a bad thing. Well in my experience anyway. Mine has carried my emerald crabs around for a day or so then just decided to dump them, no harm done. It's actually kinda cute. Some times he will carry around tiny pieces of rock or something..... He's so silly.
In fact just as I replied to this post I was able to catch this pic.... See, thinks he can just take what he wants. Either that or he is just trying a bit too hard to make friends.