Pineapple Coral?


Active Member
saw a nice Piece Yesterday, tempted to get it, anyone have any Experience or Pics of this Coral?


Active Member
Blasto- AKA pineappel coral- AKA Blastomussa- here is mine-
like mild water flow and moderate lighting- plum one would do well in your tank in the lower area

nm reef

Active Member
j21kickster...very nice looking coral!!
I've always had the impression that a few different corals were labeled as "pineapple " corals. The Blastomussa pictured is what I'd normally call a Pineapple coral. I have a sweet little Favia...its a much different coral than what j21kickster attached.
Here is mine....notice the slight damaged edge...thats from my caulestrae stinging it. They have a little warfare going on.
Before my pic though...lets vote. I also think j21kickster should post a COTW thread and foucus on Blastomussa Wellsi post the thread as
"COTW: Blastomussa" and I'll gladly sticky it....Members should contribute to the series don't ya'all think.
I vote YES to kickster starting a COTW. Do I hear another YES.

nm reef

Active Member
Kewl....sorry to pressure you. But I do feel its a valuable asset to our little forum and I sort of enjoy encouraging members to come up with new issues. Just post it as "COTW:*********" so that future searches can easily locate it.
For those of you not aware a search for COTW will locate all the previous corals focused on this little deal.
kickster...thanks for accepting the challenge....and anybody else wanting to contribute feel free to contact me with an idea at
To date wrassecal has done one and bigmac has posted some on SPS corals. All we need is a good search/reference with information that is accurate and timely. A few pics to illistrate...and the membership here will take it from there.

nm reef

Active Member
I've had it for about 4-5 does fine except for the warfare damage. Has good polyp extension and has grown a bit since I added it. Likes a meaty direct feeding after lights out...very easy to maintain coral in my opinion...but should be added to a stable system. I'd think one would do really well for you.:cool: