Pink and Blues zoo's


Has anyone ever seen or heard of them? I have a local guy that is getting them in on Weds and I was thinking about checking them out. Are they rare or special?


Blue are pretty rare, usually go for a good amount. Pick some up if you can. :notsure: if I've heard of pinks before

nm reef

Active Member
If I were to see a colony of healthy pink and/or blue zoos for under $50....they would be mine in a heart beat!!!!
I'm always looking for new colors to add to my small but growing collection.


I would definatly pick them up for 30 dollars. I have blue, green, brown, orange zoo's and I am looking to get as many colors as possible. Bad thing is my LFS don't carry them much and if they do they are like 60 bux for any color.


If you all are interested send me an email and I can refer my source on these.
I am not trying to step on's toes I just want to share this with the board as you have been very helpful to me.


true blues under 50.00 most will run 150.00 +. now im talkin blue zoos not well look close they could be blue . pink get them alot


I picked up my zoo's on Weds. They are awesome!!!!!!! True blue and I also got some really cool pinks. Also got lavendar that I have never seen before. Also picked up some wild neon green and some forest green ones. Coolest things I have ever seen. I will post pics on Sat if I can figure out how to do it.:happy:

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
With zoanthids believe what you see and not what you hear. Also, trading is the best way to cheaply build your collection of zoanthids and buddies. Get a hold of a few nice wild colonies up front and you can use pieces of those to trade... here are some of my blues and some of my pinks... but no blue pinks yet:joy:
First off... some blues that I bought growing over a tunicate...