New Member
I received two really nice pink bubble anemones from a friend whose anemones had divided and they did just great in my reef tank for about two weeks. Within a few days, both of them stopped being “sticky” and no longer would hold and ingest food (small pieces of silversides or clams). Over the next several weeks, they seemed to get smaller and lost most or perhaps all of their zooxanthellate and with them, all their color except for the tentacles tips. They have two clown fish that treat them well in a 75 gal tank with good water conditions. I have two 250 W 14K halide lights and the anemones have anchored themselves nicely on a large rock just below a small overhang at midlevel in the tank where thy get good current and exposure to the lights. I’d hate to lose them, but they seem on their way out if I can’t get this corrected in time!