pink cucumbers??? experts only please.


r they ok for a tank or not?my lfs says there not bad and have had them die in thier systems and its ok as long as u dont leave them in there.they think im worrying to much and told me its a real big hype out there about them.they told me that they will get someone to talk to me tommorow over the phone to better explain it....whats the truth.please help me...:eek:


Active Member
Pink & Black/Edible (Holothuria edulis; Lesson, 1830)
Range: Indo-Pacific, Red Sea to Hawai'i.
Size: To 12 inches.
Characteristics: Have been reported to kill fish if injured or stressed.
Cucumber, Red & Black - Holothuria edulis
Also known as: Edible Sea Cucumber
The Cucumber, Red & Black may grow to 12 inches. Omnivore. The Holothuria edulis is generally peaceful toward other tankmates. Reef-safe. Many consider the Holothuria edulis a medium-maintenance specimen. Not venomous. Scavenger that likes to sift through sand, digest it, and spit it out. Be careful with copper-based medication and extreme nitrate levels. Holothuroids are the odd-Class out in being secondarily non-radial appearing; often looking like strange ornamental sausages, some translucent, others opaque and warty. Cucumber-like! Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). The Cucumber, Red & Black is commonly collected from Hawaii.


had one die in my tank about six months ago. It just started to split down the middle and poured its guts out. I got in out within 24hrs of death and experienced no problems due to it. Heard same horror stories. I did get a tiger cuc which worked out great. I finally got rid of him when I went bare bottom. Didn't want him to starve.