Pink skunk(s) with other clowns


So I have this beautiful percula (the guy at the LFS said it was a perc, but I think it may be an ocellaris--it is a good 4" and has pretty thin black bands...what do you all think?) in a FOWLR that currently has only a lemonpeel. I plan to add probably an orange diamond goby and not sure what else. Once the fish are stable for a while and I get some better lighting I hope to add some inverts and maybe eventually some corals.
I love the way pink skunk clowns look, but am worried that they won't get along with the perc. Anyone have any experience mixing pink skunks with percs or ocellaris? Ideally I would get a pair of them.



Sorry, forgot to mention it is a 48" 55g FOWLR. I do plan on adding an anemone once I am sure it is totally stable (has been up and cycled for a couple of months now) and I have new lights.


Yea you are right its looks like an ocellaris. Mixing Clown species generally isnt recommended. Some people have had sucess and others havent. I think its pretty much up to you you can try it out and see how it works but you shoudl be prepared to get rid of one of teh clowns. Personally wouldnt recommend it unless you have a very large tank on the order of 200 gallons or so. That way they will have plenty of room to establish their own territory and would probably leave eachother alone.


New Member
I have had 2 ocellaris for some months now, but I bought a pink skunk last Sunday and added him to my tank. The ocellaris were the only fish that accepted him with no problems. the other fish have all accepted him now, but my yellowtail damsel fusses at him each time he wanders into his territory. but he's now roaming the tank and sleeps with the ocellaris at nite on the parts to my cpr pakpak.


New Member
my tank is also a 55 gal. they also share the tank with a yellow tang, 2 rainford gobies, 1 lawnmower blenny, the yellowtail damsel, 1 cherub pygmy angel, another type of chocolate (damsel/chromis depending on which lfs).
1 scarlet cleaner shrimp, and a "sand sifting shrimp". 1 green bubble-tip anemone, a few hermits and turbos. the 2 ocellaris and the skunk clownfish are all still doing fine together for a week now.


Yeah, the lemonpeel is a total drama queen. Every time I bring a camera near the tank, she swims right up to the lens.