pink tail trigger


Has anyone ever seen a blind trigger fish. I picked a pink tail on sat.. and he seems to be running into everything in the the tank, rock , etc. He looks fine and swims fine. Also he likes to hide underneath some rocks and stay still. He doesnt move at all forced. Then he swims for a while and goes back to the same spot....any ideas?
Looks at his/hers eyes. Is there any cloudyness in them? Triggers are kinda crazy sometimes, the one at my LFS just goes up and down the walls of the tank all day, then goes under the rocks to sleep. If it was blind, you would see something in its eyes...


Active Member
What are you keeping the trigger in? He could feel cramped, and is thus stressed. Are you keeping him in a FOWLR, because I hope you are.


New Member
triggers go under the rock like that all of the time. That is why they are called triggerfish. They use there trigger on there back and trigger themselves in a rock.