Pink Tail Triggers



Hey just wondering if anyone has one or has have had any? How are they? Im thinking about getting one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaxB22
Hey just wondering if anyone has one or has have had any? How are they? Im thinking about getting one.
They are big, (15" or so), aggressive,, easy to keep , need lots of room (IMO,125 gal min) typical triggers. Very pretty and not often seen.


Active Member
I had one for a while, as far as aggression goes they are among the most passive triggers, but then again it is still a trigger. I did not have issues with mine as far as tank mates, but I gave him to a friend so that I could add lions to my tank. They do get large, and incredibly thick. If you have ever seen a 12"+ pinktail they are truly impressive, if you have the room go for it


Active Member
A pinktail is along the same vein as a Humu or Niger. When they get bigger they can get really aggressive to tankmates. They arent as bad as Clowns, Bluelines, or Queens, but they aren't as nice as Sargassum, Blue Throat, or Crosshatch. This isn't always the case, but its a definite possibility.


I had one for about a year and he was about 6". He was somewhat aggressive but not to the point were I had to remove him.


Yea Im getting a Brazilian Drangon Moray that will be about 18-20 inches long, I just wanted 1 other nice fish to put along with the eel. I figured from what Ive read on the pink tail that it would be fine to put one in there. I saw one that was about 8 or 9 inches and it was stunning to see that beautiful olive fish with that big bright pink tail.


Active Member
I doubt it would attack the eel, some people keep them in reef tanks. I guy I know keeps a 12" one in his 400 gal reef with small clowns and chromis and a snowflake eel, and it has never harmed any tankmates