Active Member
will a pink tip anemone host a pair of percula clowns? will it host any clowns? from what i see, it looks like they clowns havent even gone near the anem, but i also dont see them 24/7. also, both of my percs are starting to get black spots in the area where they are orange. ive had them for about a month, they never leave eachothers side, and they eat everything i put in for them. i havent noticed that they are acting funny or anything. when i had them in my 10 gallon, the bigger of the 2 beat the hell out of the other, but now that they are in the 55, they do no harm to eachother.
55 gal
90lbs lr
70lbs ls
all levels 0
salinity 1.025
temp 78-81
55 gal
90lbs lr
70lbs ls
all levels 0
salinity 1.025
temp 78-81