pink tip anemone and percula clowns


Active Member
will a pink tip anemone host a pair of percula clowns? will it host any clowns? from what i see, it looks like they clowns havent even gone near the anem, but i also dont see them 24/7. also, both of my percs are starting to get black spots in the area where they are orange. ive had them for about a month, they never leave eachothers side, and they eat everything i put in for them. i havent noticed that they are acting funny or anything. when i had them in my 10 gallon, the bigger of the 2 beat the hell out of the other, but now that they are in the 55, they do no harm to eachother.
55 gal
90lbs lr
70lbs ls
all levels 0
salinity 1.025
temp 78-81


Active Member
Clowns will either accept or not accept the anemone as a host. Fact is... they don't need a host to survive, they do fine without one. As for the black spots, I really don't know...maybe getting stung? :D


Active Member
The black spots come from a host that can sting, such as an anemone. Do you see them at night sleeping in the anemone?


Active Member
actuall ive never seen them in the anemone. fact is that they started to get the spots before i even got the anemone. maybe other corals are stinging them? i do have a long tent plate that i feed chunks of meat that the percs try to steal. maybe that is stinging them?? i also have a flowerpot, a devils hand, a colony of zoos and a colony of mushrooms. no other fish, tons of hermits, turbo snail, 2 camelback shrimp, and a cb shrimp.
i wonder what the problem could be? very curious.:notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
Try posting in the Disease and Treatment forum.... maybe some one there could help out. IMO they're getting stung. :D