pink tip anemone


SFW has pink tip haitian anemones on sale and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to try to add this to my tank. I have a 44 gal (11 mos old), water parameters good, with lots of powerheads for flow, skimmer and small refugium too. So far I have 1 true percula, 1 flame angel, 1 blue yellowtail damsel, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 emerald crab and many bluelegs and red reef crabs, plus turbo, nassarius and cerith snails; 3 assorted mushrooms, 1 leather (toadstool) and 6 or 7 featherdusters of various sizes. This is my first tank so I've been adding slowly and uncertain over the care of an anemone. If not for what seems to be a great price for the pink tip, I was more inclined to eventually purchase a non-anemone host for my clown. Any recommendations? :thinking:


Active Member
What lights do you have?
Pink tip haitians are not natural hosts to clowns, but often will host them in captivity. It's more likely to happen if you get a Pacific anemone like a BTA.