Pink tip anemone


Hey everyone... Last week I put in a pink tip hatiam anemone... It looked good, still does actually but as soon as my actinics come on, way before my MH lights it gets really small. It has a couple times completely closed, but mainly just not all the way open. When all the lights go off and I check with a flashlight it is totally open.
Any ideas??
My parameters are perfect.. 79-81 temp
Phosp 0
SG 1.025 - 1.026
My frogspawn which is about 3 weeks old, also has not really opened up fully in a while... same thing he is not totally closed, but no where near as big as he was.
Any help appreciated.


Are they new lights?
The lighting might actually be too strong. It's unlikely, but it can/has happened.


Well I have had the lights for a month or so, 2x250 mh 14k Phoenix bulbs, but all the corals are only 2-3 weeks old.


It's strange it is fully open when the lights are off, but as soon as the actinics open is goes to about half size


Active Member
Have your tries leaving the actinics off and going to straight mh? Also did you place at the top or bottom of the tank? Did you see them in the store? If so what kind of lighting were they using?


I have not tried that. What would be the idea with that? They were under I believe a vho in a standard 20 gal. Holding tank. I put it in the middle, and it didn't move like I was expecting it to, so then when he was closing up during the day I decides to more him lower and he has not moved from there either so I don't know what to think.


Active Member
Test ammonia, nitrite, and ph. The point with the actinics is trial. Do it for a day and just see what happens.
My RBT has moved to the bottom of my tank to the back side of a rock completely away from my lights. It's an animal and therefore unpredictable.


All levels are great. What's strange is right now lights are off, I just turned on my office light and can now see in the tank, it is totally opened and beautiful looking. Once the actinics come on it will shrivel to about half. Weird thing is it doesn't move, it just stayed where I put it twice, and it is not stuck.


Just an updated.... He seems to be acting much more normal, and today I even saw one of my clowns inside it for the first time!