Pink Tip Haitian Annenome



OK i have a 30 gal (i got rid of my CQ annen) i was wondering if this annen would be ok for this size tank (i read they stay small) i want to host 1-3 false percs. (i have 1 already i think i might get more. i had 3 but 2 died) also i have a shrimpgoby a pajama cardnal and A blue damsel will it bother any of these? im guessing not cuz it has short tentacles unlike my CQ but IDK thanks!


Active Member
only get 1 more clown if u decide to get will try to become female and either kill or seriously hurt theother clowns...the damsel may bother the clowns they tend to be more aggressive. the haitian should be ok if they stay small but i havent read up on them that much i have an LTA thats getting huge in my 55g


i started out the first time with 2 false percs and later added the damsel and other perc and nobody's ever bothered anybody, the 2 clowns got eaten by the annen.
everyones extemely peaceful im very lucky, but i dont know if i will be adding 2 more percs maybe not.


Active Member
did u figure out why or how the anenome ate the clowns? i know some are known to swim into the mouth of the anenome but other than that they should ahve been ok


Active Member
You would want two clowns max, more will fight once they are adult in that size tank and yours is probably already female so try to find the smallest clown you can to pair, also haitian anemones are condy's right? These are not usually a hosting anemone but some clowns will. What kind of lighting do you have?


not sure about the lighting have to check. the anen that ate them was not a hosting anen, but the ptha is usually, i heard. i want to host my clowns, but im not sure of an anen that wouldnt get too big in a 30 gal?


New Member
I have a 45g deep. I am new to SW and have been learning as much as I can. I have heard the Haitian Annenome are easy to keep but that clowns do don't always host and are not likely to host this type of annenome . I went to the LFS and found a clown and a Haitian Annenome that seemed to get a long. So far (1week) everything has been going great. I feed tank some frozen mysis shrimp and after the clown was full he would gather up large pieces and spit them into the annenome to feed it. My two damsels are aggesive towards him, but the clown fights back and then hides in the Haitian. I also have one coral bandit shrimp and he leaves everyone alone exept he eats my hermit crabs.


Active Member
If you're not sure on the lighting you probably don't have enough. Anemones are not an easy creature to keep and the main requirements are a very stable established tank and metal halide lighting.