Pink tip Haitian question


Lately my Pink tip Haitian has been curling up inside its self, i was wondering if this was normal or not. Im new to the whole anemone thing so thanks for the help


ok the orange ball thing was what i was talking about...btw i have 55g tank thats about 6 months lighting really isnt that great, im in the process of gettng better lighting. I know that anemones and corals and stuff need strong light to grow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Buckeye88
ok the orange ball thing was what i was talking about...btw i have 55g tank thats about 6 months lighting really isnt that great, im in the process of gettng better lighting. I know that anemones and corals and stuff need strong light to grow.

You can get away with strong PC's on your tank. While the anenome wont be as happy as with T-5's or MH it can still survive. Anything less IMO your asking for trouble. All anenomes need pristine water conditions and should be cared for in the manner as you would soft corals. If its in a ball then yes that is normal if its there for more than 3 days then no its not normal. After an anenome as eatin a large meal it may shrivel and look as yours does but it should always return to its normal state no more than 3 days. Also if its expelling waste it will shrivel too. Again using the 3 day limit before concerning yourself. And always watch closley as to the general apperance of the animal. A dying anenome has some distinct signs, some include mucus appearing to shed off it and or the appearence of a whitish cottage cheese looking material on its body. Those are indicators that something is very wrong. Take action immediatley a dying or dead anenome can cause alot of harm to your tank. Good luck