Pink tip haitian


I really would like to get a pink tip haitain anemone, but fear it may eat other fish. I have a coral beauty, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp, and a percula clownfish that I am worried about. The clownfish and coral beauty are always together and I am afraid that could cause problems. What is everyones opinion on this?


Personally I don't care for the haitian anemones, I've had two, but..
If you want it for looks then I wouldn't worry too much about it eating those fish, there is risk in everything.
If you want it for the clownfish then you can stop right there and find another anemone, as there are better choices.


I love the colors of the this anemone. It is more for looks and if the clownfish happens to host, then great. Maybe he will leave the mushrooms I have alone.


22CADDY where are you located? I have one, but I only have a 29 gallon, and it seems huge in my tank. I have a pic of it....


I went to the lfs today and they had a rose bubble tip anemone at an awesome price. I have never seen them in person before and I now like this anemone. They hope to start carrying them regularly at this price so I guess same question about this anemone.


I see no problem with having an RBTA = Rose Bubble Tip Anemone. They are not known for gobbling up a tank full of fish.
Just remember all anemones can sting. Bubble tips just don't pack a great sting, they tend to be mild.
I had a Haitian Pink Tip Anemone when i started out (which was stupid) However, i did have it in a tank with 2 perculas. At first the perculas didn't care much for it but over time they started to inhabit the anemone. The anemone didn't look well once that started happening and shortly afterwards it died (amongst other reasons). So your clown may try to inhabit it and possibly stress it out. As far as I know, clownfish are mainly indopacific (however i could be wrong) and the Pink Tipped Hatian I believe is an Atlantic species, so it may be uncommon for that type of behavior for the anemone.
As for looks.....its beautiful. They really looked nice in the tank.


I got the RBTA actually. For 37.99 I couldn't pass it up. He has already found a spot and seems happy and is eating. I have more lights ordered even though what I have now will do. I just want to give it the best life I can afford. My clownfish is hosting in it already as well.
is that a sea cucumber in the foreground? If so be careful if it dies. I know of some sea cucumbers that release harmful/lethal toxins when they die.