:help: i had a pink tip anemone for about 3wks saved it from a little hole in the wall petstore. It was in bad shape so i figure with my lighting and all my water perimeters in good range i could help him. well this morning when i left for work he was doing great. He was all fattin up and just soaking up the rays from my lights and all was well, so i thought. Well i just look in my tank and i was shocked to see that he is all scrivaled up( i know bad spelling). Does anyone know what could of did this. i have 4x65 lighting and a 1x 95 light my tank is 72 gal thats about 4.9 watts per gallon.......:notsure::notsure: ok now he is opening back up or should i say he is coming back to life whats goin on with him:nervous: