
what kind of light would you need 4 a pinkcolt coral i have a 100watt pc light over it right now and where should i place it in the tank any info will help thanks :D

old hermit

i just bought one of those. i have a 65 watt pc smartlight on my 29 gal and i put it half way up the tank and it is fully open and looks great. hth


Ohh.. I want one of those. Let me know how it does! I will be watching for updates! :)


Active Member
Ther was a LFS in north carlina I went to that had one.. It was pink when I saw it 2 months ago.. Now it is brown since it has grown alot.. It was $90 noe $40..
Come to find out.. It was dyed.. thats right, injected with dye.. man I was glad i did not buy it..
Food for thought.....


If it is bright pink it is most likely dyed and may die over time. Brownish is the natural clor of colts, a light pink hue can be caused by lighting.