Pinktail & Niger fighting.

My pinktail and niger have lived in harmony for months. I have never read anything about not having these two housed together, like an angel or most tangs. Last night they were happy and they have always seemed to like each other, even swimming side by side for long periods of time. This morning I wake up and my pinktail which is about 2 inches bigger is destroyed. I watch the tank for awhile and when the pink comes out of his cave the niger is on him instantly. This is now showing dominance thing he is locking on and pulling fins off. I'm so upset I love these two together and they make my tank, my stocklist was finally complete. I guess I will end up taking one out to QT most likely the pinktail to help him survive. Anyone have any problems similar to this? I have seen alot of tanks with multiple triggers.
And btw nothing has changed at all, no new additions same amount of food, IDK what started this. I know triggers are aggressive fish but he has never even thought about attacking him. The tank is a 120 reef, Niger is about 4 inches, pinktail about 6.


Hi there,
I have a Niger with damsels and a HumuHumu with damsels. The two triggers are not in the same tank though. They both are are around 3-1/2" the Niger being a litthe closer to 4". I have noticed that the Niger is starting to become more aggressive and gets annoyed easily with the damsels. I fear that all triggers get like that when they frow older. I think that the Niger will eventually kill the damsels as yours will eventually kill the Pink Tail.
Which trigger do you like the most? If it's the

than problem solved since you are taking the Pink Tail out. You might try a HumuHumu, but I have seen them take dominace of the Nigers. That's is why I have not put them in the same tank yet. If you like the Pink Tail, than maybe you can try another smaller niger or a different trigger to go with the Pink Tail.
The weird thing is I have several other fish much smaller and fragile than the pinktail, but he is just going after that, I might get rid of the Niger for fear of him turning on everyone else, but i'm not sure if Pink is gonna make it, thanks for the input, maybe hell will freeze over and he will stop.


Active Member
IMO & IME: any aggressive species can go postal, without warning, at any time. Triggers (and many tangs) often suddenly get PO'd at a specific fish. Only the fish know why. I'm afraid occasional events like this are an inevitable part of keeping aggressive fish together in captivity. You just can't change their genetic make-up.
Originally Posted by srfisher17
IMO & IME: any aggressive species can go postal, without warning, at any time. Triggers (and many tangs) often suddenly get PO'd at a specific fish. Only the fish know why. I'm afraid occasional events like this are an inevitable part of keeping aggressive fish together in captivity. You just can't change their genetic make-up.

This is very well put, just kinda have to accept it. I'm kinda I breaking a rule of two triggers together like angels? I have been around awhile and seen triggers together before, these guys were even in the same tank at my LFS.
Anyways this is really crazy, I watched this attack for two hours today and it had already been going on before that, almost took him out......then about five when when wife came home they were acting perfectly normal. Up until right now one o'clock there have been no more attacks. And these were not normal asserting dominance attacks, he was trying to rip pink apart. But they are swimming around and even eating in harmony right now. You just never stop seeing new stuff in this hobby, I love it. If everything went right with my tank all the time, I would get bored with it.
Well gonna give him lots of anti-bacteria meds and vitamins and if the attacks don't come back I'm sure he will live although he is beat up. If they start again which I'm expecting (but crossing fingers) I have another QT ready.
I'm pulling so hard for this to work, they are both my favorite prized fish. And I guess i'm a little proud per say that I have these two guys in a full reef. :)


Sorry to say that is what triggers do. They can be perfectly fine for a long time then just snap. I am hoping everything works out for you.
Originally Posted by jpa0741
Sorry to say that is what triggers do. They can be perfectly fine for a long time then just snap. I am hoping everything works out for you.

Thank you....I'm speechless cause up till this morning they are still friends again, and the pinktail is acting fine eating and swimming like normal, just gonna soak alot of zoa in his food.


Active Member
My first Huma Huma went Postal one day. Just snapped and started KILLING faster than Blago here in IL was solicitng for Campaign cash for Obamas senate seat.