Pipe Fish


I don't know how difficult pipe fish are. Seahorses are difficult and every lfs I have been in had them together and they were doing fine together.


Active Member
I have captive bred seahorses and I don't think they are that difficult. You can mix them with pipefish but ONLY if the seahorses are wild caught. You can't mix captive bred seahorses with pipefish. The pipefish can introduce parasites that the seahorses have no immunity too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by swnewbie10
I was just wandering how difficult pipe fish were to keep? Also, are they compatible with sea horses?
Pipefish have very small mouths. They have similar needs as mandarins, except most need a lower flow. They will sometimes take some prepared foods such as mysis or cyclop-eeze. I keep pipes but they live in my established refugium.