pipe organ coral looking ill


Well,for the past couple of days my pipe organ coral has not really been opening.Some of the polyps comeout,and others not all the way.there is a rust color to some of the closed ones.At first I thought it to be cynobacteria because that was a problem in the past.This time it looks different.Any sugestions?It came about pretty fast,and it was doing fine until two days ago.Thanks!

ed r

Do you do anything to try to keep algae off of the honey-combed structure? I use my turkey baster on it if I see diatom growth or any other junk on it. Has it been growing and adding to the structure size and number of polyps? Has the current in the area changed? Any creatures in the tank that could be bothering it? Any change in the water test results?


There is'nt really anything new.It was definatly growing,and I was glad because I heard it was a fairly difficult coral to keep.The only new addition to my tank recently was a colony of pulsing Xenia.That rock is on the other side of the tank.I caught a pretty good sized hitch hiker crab.He looks like a hairy crab.He is about 1 1/2" across with massive claws.The only thing he was doing was burrowing under the live rock.I'm taking him out just to be sure he won't bother the fish because of his big claws.I know my star polyps go through a period of staying closed every so often.I'm hoping it is the same for the pipe organ.