pipefish in 20 gall?


New Member
Hi,still cycling my tank but would love to keep a pipefish,i plan on keeping a few corals and live rock/sand .Is there a pipefish suitable for this size tank? and what fish would be suitable companions ?was thinking maybe three fish.Thanks! Pugwash


I heard that pipefish are quite tough to keep but I personally never had one before. Right now I have a blue damsel and two perculas in my 20 gal FOWLR.


Active Member
Pipefish are slow and passive fish similar to seahorses, and would be outdualed for food by any fish other than seahorses.


Pipefish that come out of florida are a pretty good choice if you choose to go that direction. They do need to be fed mulitple times a day and are slower eaters than normal fish. Not as slow as seahorses, but close. They will eat frozen, but have "live" available when they arrive as they have to be trained to eat frozen. Hatching baby brine will be fine. Adult brine would be better. They are pretty cool and breed like rabbits. I have a few and I am very happy with them. I do have to keep them in a tank dedicated just to seahorses and pipefish.