Piranhas and Cheap play sand



I wanted to make a tank with cheap kids play sand on the bottom
any body out there every try this or think it is not safe
please reply to my post i dont want to lose the fish due to the lack of effort or and money
120gallon Freshwater piranhas (red belly)
2 75 gallon filter
2 heaters
thanks so much everyone

white rabbit

New Member
You should be fine with a silica sand in a freshwater tank.
Have you ever raised pirahna before?
If you are going to use goldfish feeders you will need you to filter for ammonia, goldies pretty much crap ammonia and in a 120 you are going to need to alot of them. I had 3 red redbellies at 8 inches in a 55 for about 3 years and they ate on average 10 dozen or 120 large feeders every friday. You can usually start with frozen food but, as they get bigger it is hard to satisfy there appetites.
Also, look into a CUC, possibly crayfish or some crabs. I had luck with a pleco that was larger than the red bellies and they grew up with it. But anything you put in will be food eventully.
Not a cheap hobby as pirahna are very voracious eaters and very messy. Your tank will be a mess the next day. Also, I have seen red bellies as large as 10 - 11 inches in a 120.


Active Member
I use white pool filter sand. I think it looks better then the play sand, and depending on the brand, pool filter sand is finer then the play sand