Pistol Shrimp and Cleaner Shrimp

michael r

I'm considering the addition of a Pistol Shrimp and Shrimp Goby pair for my aquarium.
However, I'm concerned that the Pistol Shrimp might eat my Cleaner Shrimp, which it apparently does according to that video on YouTube demonstrating how it stuns and kills it...
I'm not sure if that's true though and would appreciate it if you could tell me the truth.


Pistol shrimp cannot be kept with other shrimp. If you value your cleaner shrimp, wait until it expires before investing in a pistol shrimp.


Active Member
ive heard of people keeping both a cleaner shrimp and pistol shrimp together. but i dont know how long they had them together for


I have had three pistols and up to four other shrimp in the same tank. They lived together for a year and a half with no problem.(sold the mated pistols) You do need to make sure that the pistols get feed regulary so they don't look for their own food (cleaners). I now have a CBS and 2 cleaners and 2 pepermints and people say that this will never work! FEED THE PREDATORS AND IT WILL CURB THEIR PREY DRIVE. Granted that you cannot change their natural instincts but you can remove the need to rely on them.


But why take such an inherent risk? I would just stick to one species or the other or look for another species of shrimp that gets along well with cleaner shrimp. A harlequin shrimp perhaps? I don't know if that's a good match up, I just threw out a name.


When I had my pistols they always stayed at the bottom of the tank, which is their nature. I have 2 cleaner shrimp now and they haven't touched the bottom of the tank in over a month. I doubt that they would ever interact in a good size tank(55 or over). I stated that you need to feed the pistols to keep from looking for food. This is done a lot in the saltwater hobby with all sorts of different animals to help lessen the chance of predation. Sure their is some risk involved but that's to be expected in this hobby. I don't think that you will have a problem keeping a pistol and a cleaner especialy if you pair the pistol with a shrimp goby of some kind.(the goby will help keep the cleaner away from the pistol and keep the pistol at home and bring him food)


Active Member
my pistol is very docile. i kept one w 4 cleaners and 1 cbs in my 72. dont hv a problem.


Originally Posted by seamandrew
Pistol shrimp cannot be kept with other shrimp. If you value your cleaner shrimp, wait until it expires before investing in a pistol shrimp.
My Pistol Shrimp and Fire shrimp have been doing fine for over 8 months.


Active Member
I didn't know they weren't supposed to be kept together. I have had my pistol shrimp for over 3 months now living with my cleaner shrimp and I haven't seen any problems.