Pistol shrimp partner!

nm reef

Active Member
I added a tiger pistol about 7-8 months ago from the host here and I've tried since to get a goby to pair up with it. I seldom see the tiger pistol but I can always tell where he is by the caves and landscape work he does. I added this orange spotted goby just yesterday and found him a few minutes ago coming out of the pistols favorite cave entrance. With any luck at all they have paired up and possibly I'll be able to capture a pic of them together. All previous attempts at getting a pic of the pistol have failed...but my hope is with a partner maybe he'll be inclined to make more frequent appearences.....


I have one paired with a high-fin goby. They found a home in the back of my tank where I can only see them come out together at feeding time....


Active Member
Heh, good luck! My pistol is just as reclusive now that he is paired with a yellow watchman. Makes me mad, spent $20 on the shrimp and I get to see his antennae if I'm lucky.

nm reef

Active Member
All right!!!!!!!!!!
This morning the goby was sitting in the pistols favorite cave entrance...and just a few minutes ago I caught the goby out and guarding the pistol as he dug out the opening. Not the greatest pic...but here they are...first full shot of the pistol....and it appears they have paired up......wooooooooooohooooooooooooo...

nm reef

Active Member
I've got the camera set on my tripod and the intervolometer set to shoot a pic every 2 minutes...maybe I'll get lucky and catch a better quality pic of the two of them.....


Very cool!!! Hopefully they will stay paired up. That couple is going to my next purchase and I can't wait!


Active Member
Im glad this post is here!!! I have a green pistol that was in my 5gl, now in 180...same as NM, only know where he is by caves (and clicks). Whats the best goby for him??

nm reef

Active Member
I really don't know which goby may be best....watchman's are reported to pair up with pistols and orange spotted gobys like mine have been reported to be good candidates....

nm reef

Active Member
I am soooooooo pleased to have mine paired up....I've been excited all day. I've seen the pistol far more just today than I have the entire time hes been in my display. Every few minutes I catch him excavating and arranging the caves for him and his new partner...best thing is the primary cave entrance is right out front where they are constantly visable....


Yea thats really cool, i thought my yellow watchman and tiger pistol were never going to pair up. Funny thing is the day mine finally paired up is the day i thought all my fish and coral were going to die because the new heater i bought made the water go up to 89 degrees. I couldnt find my yellow watchman thinkin "oh he's dead" and when the water cooled down he comes right out of the pistols den and the pistol follows him out.. it was a really cool thing.


That's really cool, I have been thinking about pairing the two up a lot lately, your post wants me to do it even more.


Active Member
awsome i think thats really cool one of my lfs had a pair at there store they would only sale them as a pair its very fun to watch them do there thing:D