Pistol shrimp with goby


I am debating whether or not to get a pistol shrimp in hopes it will pair with my yellow nosed goby. What is the good and bad with these shrimp? Would it be harmful to a cleaner shrimp? What is a good species of pistol shrimp to pair with a yellow nosed (barber shop) goby?


Active Member
they dig alot of holes...also most say its a 50/50 chance they pair up.
No harm will come to your cleaner.


mines only dug one hole... been there for over a month. Im guessing they dig holes until they find the one they feel most comfortable in?
they wont harm anything in your tank. Except on snails... mine goes crazy on my nassarius snails whenever they want to dig close to his burrow.
im thinking about putting a yellow watchman goby in hopes they will pair up as well... keep us posted and let me know how it works out!


my other inverts are going to be:
turbo snails
scarlet hermits
queen conch
emerald crab
cleaner shrimp
As long as you think it wont hurt any of them, i think ill give it a try...


they wont hurt none of that... dont think they can hurt them if it wanted too anyway... mine goes crazy on my nass. snails but doesnt do no damage... as soon as he lets them go they leave.


nice, thanks for the advice. Any idea on what kind of pistol shrimp to get? hopefully 1 of the ones that cost $10 not the $35. but wondering which ones would be more likely to pair. Also are they one of the shrimps that snap loud? how loud is it? Thanks again for your help.


price doesnt matter... i think they all look good... i think the ones that cost more is because they are harder to get/are more rare. and yes they snap... it sort of sounds like when you snap your fingers... or glass cracking... its not that loud... and they dont do it that much. Mine hardly does it. But i think youll like the sound and wish it would do it more often.


im not sure. Seahorses are real slow. and seahorses are more for a species only tank. Ive never done this so maybe someone with experience can pitch in with some info...

good alex

also thinking of getting one, lfs said i needed an acrylic tank cause the pistol will crack the glass, is this true?

a sea k

Your best choice to pair with the Barbershop goby is the Randall's pistol shrimp. This is the smaller more expensive one, but is the natural shrimp to pair with the goby, also the best looking one IMO. It took mine about three days to find one another and have been together since. The only drawbacks are, 1) the shrimp stays in the burrow most of the time. 2) for a small shrimp they can dig alot.
My pair are housed with other small peacefull fish, The goby stays visable all the time either partway or just outside the burrow entrance and if watch the shrimp will ussually come out to be seen but doesnt stay outside.
All in all I'm very glad I paired mine and I say its definately worth it.