

Active Member
Pitting (especially around the eyes) is often an early sign of HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion) disease. There is a picture of an advanced case in the Basic FAQ at the top of this forum. I think it is the very last one.


Staff member
Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum for a pic of a tang with HLLE. It is at the end of the thread.
Can you get a pic up?


the last pick in the FAQ is what my blue korean has. ill try and get a picture of it when my mom gets back from her business trip since she has the camera. i got the fish yesterday and lfs told me he was just changing into an adult.... how can i help him heal?


Active Member
Reducing any stress that the fish may be under will often put this disease into a remission. I am aware of three issues that often are factors.
How are your tank readings? Poor water quality (especially high nitrates) probably plays a role in this disease. Try to keep your nitrates less then 20 (or lower if possible).
What sort of diet are you feeding? A varied diet will often help. Nori (dried seaweed sheets), and plankton substitutes can often help. I have started using a product zoecon (soak the nori in this before feeding) which is a fish oil emulsion, as a preventative.
Do you have any stray voltage? Is your tank hooked up to a GFCI? A grounding probe may help if there is stray voltage from a very small electrical leak.
Hope that helps.


i would agree with you about those if i would of had this fish for more then one day. but i got it yesterday and i think they just brought me a korean angel without really checking it so it has pitting going on. they said that they will replace it if it gets worse or if i dont like it but i want to give him a shot


Staff member
What kind of system do you have? Depending on the tank you have setup, the tang could actually improve and get back to normal.


right now i just have a 46g with a maroon clown, damsel, fox face, and the korean. i plan to get a 180 within a few weeks. i checked all the lvls and they were all normal. he does seem to be swimming around alot lately and more curious today then he did yesterday. yesterday he floated at the top of the tank sideways but today he is swimming around. i think he will be ok givin time.


i successfully cured HLLE on my achilles tang by switching from tap water to RO/DI. i also added more Zoe, Selcon and Vitamin C (Kent Marine C) to the food. I switched from roasted nori to Julian Sprungs Sea Veggies. The HLLE cleared up in less than 1 month. HLLE is usually from a poor diet and bad water quality.