Pizza and a Movie


I just ordered a pizza from papa johns website. They are having an online special... You can get a Lg or Xlrg pizza and a dvd for 14.99 They have three to choose from..I took Weekend at Bernies.
I love that movie!!:jumping: Its cool to get it with a pizza Just wanted to share that 411 with anyone who might be interested!:jumping:


Active Member
thanks. I didn't know they were doing that. Might be an option since we just got home from a RAINY softball practice and dinner isn't started yet!! :nope:



Originally posted by saltymom
whats that don jaun about? Is it funnY?

he rallies all these hot chicks. then marlon brando asks him how it was like rallying massive quantities of women. so don juan says
"uh, pretty cool marlon."
then some chick gets pissed when she finds out he's a player. so he tells her to kick rocks. then she likes him even better and they live on the beach forever in happiness.
the end.



Originally posted by saltymom
whats that don jaun about? Is it funnY?

It's a chick flick with Johnny Depp playing Don juan.
What's trial and error.