Placement of New Zoo's



I was wondering if it was ok to put zoo's at the top of the tank. I have a lot of space with my new arrangement at the top. If not what are some good corals that like to be at the top of the water....???


I always start them at the bottom, and they seem to do better. I just got some killer eagle eyes and bubblegums which I'll probably move up closer eventually. My lights are pretty intense so I always shade them abit at first. I fried a frag in my early days at the top so I hope that helps a little?


thanks for the reply. I am getting some Eagle Eyes, some colored baby blue, and Green and orange today. They aren't costing me a fortune, but I don't want to kill them either.


If your putting them in your cube & the lighting is stock go ahead & put them up top. Esp if your getting yours from the same person mine are coming from. Hes running halides Your zoas will be fine.


Active Member
They love light so I am going with the top. I have halides and the ones I have a the top are growing much faster than the ones on bottom.


I read some information on another site about zoo lighting. Seems if they are under intense lighting they develope sparkles in the mouth area. but if kept under moderate light they don't have the sparkles. I have noticed that some of my zoos on the top side of the rocks in the direct view of the MH have the sparkles and the same zoos on the same rock out of the direct effect of the MH do not so, there must be some truth to this...


Thanks for all the advice, and yea they are from G. I just arranged them in the tank and took a couple of picks of the ones that opened. I love the eagle eyes.



Active Member
Keeping zoos on the top of the aquarium will not hurt them, even with metal halide lighting. You will have to slowly acclimate them though, moving them up a couple of inches every day.
Keep in mind that many zoos/sea mats often grow in areas of the wild where the tide leaves them exposed to the baking sun for hours, without a drop of wate on them. They can handle the top if you acclimate.
The position in the tank will also affect their morphology. If you have them at the botto, they tend to elogate their stalks and resemble flowers. If you have them neat the top of the tank with strong lighting they will grow with much shorter or absent stalks, resembling mats.


Active Member
i never knew about the sparkeles thing but mine are at the top 4 inches fron the waters surface and the lights are 7 inches above the water i have 2 250 mh and mine are ALL sparkely but my lower ones arent i am moving the farther up now

b mccoy

New Member
Who is G? I would like to know also. I live in Nashville and there aren't many places to get good coral.


There is a Middle Tennessee Reef Club. They trade and sell frags often. I just found them myself. Do a search for MTRC and you will get their page.