Placing Feather Dusters?


I searched all the posts on feather dusters, but still trying to figure out if I burried them in the sand right. Am I even suposed to burry them, or just place them in tank and let them? If so, are the crowns suposed to be close to the sand bed? Right now, I have almost half of thier tubes in the sand. They do come out, and seem fine, just couldn't wait for picture.



Oh, also, I have them in a spot where when i put food in the water. It cirulates by them, but as far as a better flow area for them, is near the part of filter that sucks up the water, considered a high flow area, or just where the water is comming into the tank?


Active Member
From my experience, I usually place them where they get circulation, but not blown around too much. They will usually place themselves if not in a good place. I have one that I thought was in a good place and the next day it was in the back of the tank attached to a no getting it out. Place them half way in the sand. I have another that moved under a rock formation, out of the light, but still visible.
You do know that your starfish...chocolate chip star....will eat them. You may want to remove it. They are not reef safe.
Here is a picture of one of mine, for reference. It is in the sand up against the rocks. Low flow, but out in the open. Hope this helps.


Active Member
i put them in my sand, and they actually moved towards the LR and in the perfect shade and current for themselves.


yes place them where they will get circulation but not too much that their right in front of the powerhead.
i have 2 and placed them both halfway in the sand where it felt like good circulation and they both eventually moved on their own and attached to the live rock
good luck