placing live rock


New Member
i am setting up my first tank. I have about 60 lbs of live rock in my 75 gallon tank. I will be adding about 20 lbs of base rock. I am wanting some advice on how to set up my rock. I can't seem to find nay info in the books I've looked at.


build a strong foundation then from that just pile it on top the way you like it. Typically people pile it up against the back wall to allow room for corals and cleaning on the sides and front panels. Make sure that you leave room to navigate your magfloat. Also as you stack it keep in mind one day you'll be adding corals so make little places for them. Other than that good luck.


I also just noticed your new to the group. Welcome. Your in the right place to learn the hobby. There is allot of very knowledgable people here that will help you allot.


There is no wrong way to set up live rock. Use the base rock as it is used for, a base. Place your base rock down and then place your live rock around it. Any exposed base rock will turn into live rock.


New Member
thanks for your input. so you are saying I should place the live rock next to the base rock for a while before I pile it on top,so that it can become alive? Do corals need a flat rock or will any rock do? I have been told I need caves adn. ledges and tunnels for my fish. How much space is the right amount between the rock and the back glass? I have the exterior back glass painted.