Plain and Simple Who's eatin em??


I put a lr with yellow polyps approx. 40 of them in my tank 4 days ago. I think someone is sneaking some. I have 2 Yellow tangs, 1 maroon clown, 1 Blue Hippo tang, 1 coral banded shrimp (she just molted and is really strutting around) a Mexican Turbo and 4 blue legged hermits. Could it be the blue legs?? My tangs are busy eating 1 leaf of romaine a day. They never seem interested in the polyps even if no romaine. I have 10,000k 40 watt and 50/50 atenic lighting. I don't think they would go this fast with this light especially the entire polyp stubb:notsure: I'll be using 260w compacts by this Friday.


Plain and simple - not with a saltwater tank! :D
I don't think your fish are eating them so you might have a sneaky hitch hiker.
BTW, romaine has almost no nutritional value. Use dried or living marco algaes and your fish will be happy and healthy.


Could be the coral banded shrimp. some will go after your corals.