Plankton And Green Algae Problem


New Member
I started this tank about 1 1/2 months ago. i have a good filter and protien skimmer, but about a week ago i noticed a little plankton and green algae starting. now its starting to get preety heavy. early on i did a couple of 20-25% water changes for amoena reduction and things looked great until this.
i have about 20 ibs. of live rock and a couple of damsels to cycle the 55 gal tank. any pointers?????


Active Member
Your tank is cycling? Well then this is normal. You will go through the amm-trite-trate cycle as well as algae blooms before your tank is completely stable.


Well-Known Member
If your tank is cycled, algae is just another condition of your cycle... it will either go away after a little while, while the tank matures, or will continue to grow because of high nitrates and phosphates. Make sure that the water that you add to your tank is devoid of all nutrients. (RO/DI water works the best for top off water.)


New Member
hey thanks for the info. algae blooms is exactly what i've got, how bout all that plankton. if i look closely it is all over the glass, LR filter tubes......
what are pleasent fish that eat plankton?


Active Member
I'm not really sure what you mean by plankton blooming in your tank, but if you had to do a water change to reduce ammonia....I wouldn't add any fish, you will just end up giving them ammonia burns...


New Member
plankton is tiny white/gray clored bug. or bugs are what im calling them. about as big as a very tine grain of sand.


Active Member
Most fish will eat them as a snack. Really though, I wouldn't worry about it. They are one of the best tank cleaners you can find! They work wonders on detritus!