Planning 240 Reef Need Advice/Have Questions


Active Member
Next week I'm going to knock a hole in my wall, and start setting up my 240 reef. I thought I had a pretty good idea on the setup for the filtration, but a freind of mine gave me an amiracle wet/dry sump rated for a 300 gallon tank. I'm trying to decide how I can use this in conjuction with a homemade refugium. The refugium I'm planning on using is a 55 gallon glass aqarium. The tank has 2 corner overflows, and returns. I have 2 external custom sea life titanium pumps. I need to figure out a way to get water flow from the sump to the refugium, and back to the tank. Also I'm debating on whether or not to use a skimmer. I removed my skimmer from my 70 reef, and everything appears to be much healthier, and opening much more. Any suggestions?
Next question is on my lighting configuration. I have 4 175 watt MH's, 6 96 watt pc's, and 2 32 watt pc's. The tank dimensions are a standard 240 96X24X24. I was thinking on the MH bulb's that I would go with german made 12,000K bulbs. On the pc's I would use 50/50 bulbs that are 10,000K daylight, and actinic. The 2 32's I'm going to use actinic bulbs. Does this sound like a good spectrum of lighting?


Active Member
Thats what I was thinking, but how can I overflow the fuge back into the sump? It's an AGA 55, so I can't drill the tank. Maybe I could use a hangon overflowbox??


Active Member
Thanks for that info. If thats the case then setting this up should be a peice of cake.