Planning out 55 gallon tank


Stars & Stripes Pufferfish
Clown Tang
Red Sea Prizm Hang on Skimmer
Penguin 400
50lbs. of Figi LR
75lbs. of Play Sand
55 gallon strip light
Powerhead recomendations?
I plan to add Kalk for good coraline growth along with Kent Marine Super Buffer.
Is that a good # of fish? or can I add 1 more?


Thank you, your idea sounds good! My favorite of the fish being the Clown Tang would definately be the center piece. What fish do you think would make good set-off's for the clown tang?


Greatly Appreciated :) I will be sure to purchase the Tang as a baby, and get some other cool colorful and active fish to give him some company. Thanks for the powerhead advice, I will look into it.
i agree once again with trojan and the cowfish is a waste of money its will release poison into your tank even in your run info of the glass on accident they get nervous real easy <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />

rto 29

I have a fairy wrasse, a foxface, a flameangel, and a yellow tang in a 75g fowlr. I think the foxface is very cool and also a good companion for the tang. I would definitely add the tang last though, they have a tendency to get very teritorial very fast. But check out the foxface. They are very peaceful, and very cool. Just watch the spines they are venomous....


Lots of replys. I'm going to get a Clown Tang, Coral Beauty, and.....something else, I want this fish to be around 4" got any ideas?


I vots for a gold dtripe marron clown, or a type of wrasse. But since you are getting the clown tang add it last for it id highly aggressive, and is a little harder to keep, so a matured tank wouldbe great!


Well if you are looking for water movement... I have a 55 and this is what I have in mine for movement. I have a total of 4 power heads. 2 in each corner and 2 towards the middle. 3 of the 4 are penguin 550's and the other is an 1140 Penguin. These move the tank quite nicely. I have a seaclone skimmer and a Mill 3000 over the back filter , 85 lbs of LR and a 4 inch Sand Bed. I had a stars and Stripes Puffer in there but could cleary see he was WAY to large for the tank.


Well I just found out my tank was actually a 40 gallon tank....probably not the best set-up for a tang, thanks anyways.