Plants For Refugium?



What kinds of plants should I put inside my refugium? How many, and how many kinds?


well what i find is helpful is if you put culpera (however you spell it) in there and let it flout above the live rock and sand and that will help reduce some of the nutrients
also some sea grasses work


Active Member
Get cheatomorpha (sp.) not caulerpa, and a few mangroves if you have want. Caulerpa goes sexual and can crash a tank. Cheato doesn't and it really exports nutrients great.


Active Member

Originally posted by RazorEQX
I prefer flat plants and shaving brushes. They do require medium lighting and a deep substrate.


Active Member
Plants suck out nutrients (nitrate, etc.) in the water. As the nutrients are obsorbed the plants grow. When the plants get unhappy for some reason, like not enough light, not to much to eat, etc. they turn white and release the nutrients back into the water. I am talking about caulerpa. The Cheatomorpha doesn't do this. Also Razor has some cool plants that suck out the stuff and look good at the same time. I like your plants Razor, they look clean for plants. Red mangroves are good too. IMO.


Active Member
i know this thread is kinda old, but i'm setting up a HOB fuge, and was wondering if anyone knew what "flat plants" are, or what they mean by that.
Probley ment something like Halimeda. More of a "Flat" growth to it. I have the grape carlupa growing it my fuge. Have not had a problem with it yet.