Plate Coral or Ric coral?


I just got this coral which i thought was a ricordia mushroom coral and was sold as a ricordia mushroom coral, but i'm not to sure.
I wish i had a pic but for some reason i dont know how to upload pictures on to this thread.
I think i have a plate coral instead of a ric. The coral is a brown/green color. Some tentacles are long and some are really short. The mouth is a neon green color, also this coral fragged itself into two smaller corals that look identical but just very small. Also on the end of the corals tentacles it is white. It's about 2" by 2".
Any inputs would be great.
Thanks alot


plates have hard skeleton and are typically not sold attached to rocks. If it split its prolly a ric, but ive seen plates create daughter colonies out of survival desperation i think


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
Pink is ricordia

:D :D :D :D Always happy to see my pictures put to good use :)
Legend, I don't know that the coral is a ricordia, however it certainly isn't a plate coral if it split in two. As stated, plate corals have a hard, calcium skeleton and can't spit into two.


Active Member
touch it! if it is soft with a hard middle, its a plate coral...if its soft till you hit rock, its a ricordea mushroom!
good luck