plate orange/mushroom issue


I just looked at my tank, and my plate orange and mushrooms have white stringy stuff coming out of them and it looks like the stringy stuff are touching each other. try to see in the picture. Please help


feeding sweepers huh. What does stuff stick to it and then it sucks them back in? I found this only happens when I touch them or move them for cleaning?


Staff member
Yes, they do suck them back in once they catch some food, however, since you mention touching them, they can also use these sweepers for aggression. Stinging. When I saw your picture what I was looking for was other nearby corals suggesting sweepers were being aggressive with other corals. Since the specimens are not near any other corals, I assumed they were just feeding. But now that you mention touching them, we are back to aggression.
With just a little info, the whole situation can change! Which is why I always ask for details to the point of being irritating when trying to help people out. :D


thanks for the help. They stuff from the plate, did move up to the mushroom. I broke the stream and they have all went away.


Staff member
So they are getting aggressive with one another. That sweeper is actually and appentage of the coral, so take care not to injure it. Better to try and feed it to see if it will just settle down.