Platinum Percula ORA


Hey SWF.
I just made an order about a week ago for some soft corals and just wanted to let you know I couldn't be happier, they all arrived on time and are fully open and doing well.
I have a grade A picasso clownfish that is only about 1 inch long and I was looking at your platinum perculas from ORA. My question is how are they looking this week and since it is an expensive purchase, Can i get some pictures sent to my email about the general look for them. And also do you think there would be a problem with mixing these fish together to try and get a pair?


Staff member
No problems mixing them together at all.
We do not stock the Platinums we offer them then just order as we need them (ORA is 5 minutes up the road)
I understand that ORA sales will talk to you directly about how they look etc, if you want to see if they will send you some pictures of the common look of them.