played tennis for the first time


Active Member
well after work last night I met up with some of the guys from work to play some tennis. I have never played before. it was almost embarrassing, but so much darn fun. now I am soooooo sore where the sartorious muscle connects to the hip I'll be walking funny for the next day or two. I was reluctant to go play but finally decided to take a bash at it. the guys said I did very good for a begginer (I thought I did absolutly horrible) I did hit a couple really nice shots but I hit a whole lot of really really really bad ones. I even managed to send the ball completly out of the tennis court once, i may as well have been shooting for the moon with that one.
over all it was a blast and I think i am going to start playing regularly with the guys.


it feels, for a good shot, as if your " rolling" the racket over the top of the ball. Its not simply racket to ball contact, except for the backhand which is why its so stinkin hard! Gimme a ball 3 feet to my right and I can play all day, the one on my left gets me every time. Some people practice, I gave up, LOL.
But it is fun isn't it? And addicting?


Active Member
I only play tennis a couple of times it is fun.I play raquet ball more often though.It is also very fun also.


Active Member
Now I have one more item on my "must find at a yardsale" list. a tennis raquet. along with golf clubs. just cant get the girlfriends permission to buy them for retail. (read as, we really cant afford me picking up more expensive hobby's)


Active Member
Golf will definatly fall under the more expensive hobby.It is a little cheaper here in the summer time but winter is crazy like $40+ a round of golf.It is probly they exsact oposite where you live.
I too just started playing tennis and Im horrible
. I bought my kids, my husband and myself racquets.I have a community park that we can play tennis or racquet ball. The kids love it, even my 2 year old have a racquet.


Active Member
its a ball (pun intended) darting around chasing shots, the cuys I played have been playing quite a while so they can put spin on the ball drop shot it over the net, and stuff like that. I can barely get it back inside the lines.... but I will improve.


Active Member
Anybody interested in tennis, look for Tennis Welcome Center's and they offer free introductory classes as part of a program by USTA. Not that I know anything about Tennis Welcome Center's, Cardio Tennis or any other tennis related sites etc... hehe <tehee>


Active Member
Doesn't it suck how you can not get the ball over the net and then hit it out of the court with swings that feel exactly the same? I enjoy playing but don't have a court anyplace near, so I'm also a total klutz on the rare occasion I play.


Active Member
I'm pretty fortunate there are a half dozen public courts in my local area and another dozen private courts.
as for getting the ball to go where I want it.... I'm working on that. my backhand is horrendous half the time all I hit was air with a backhand.

fortunatly I have long legs so court coverage isnt much of a problem so getting to the return is the easiest part (not easy but easiest part)controll just isnt there yet. couple more weeks and I should have a fair grasp on the basics.


i havent played tennis all that much , and the only reason i started was to hit the ball to my fiance who has played for years, coached for like 4 years etc.. your lucky from the way it sounds, if i get the ball back to her several times the ball just hits me :
thats how you win..i cant get my racket to it when the ball hits me first..and WOW can she its pretty funny actually. it is very addicting though.