

Ok I went to HomeDepot and I purchased Play sand with no silicate, Here is my problem I put it in the tank and the Sand is Tan colored mixed in with my live sand that is white, what do I do now? it doesnt look greate should I just mix it in with more white sand?


Active Member
what type of play sand did you get???? the only stuff i would reccommend from HD is Southdown playsand...if you didnt get this you could possibly have big problems in the future!
good luck


it said playsand on the outside, with no silicate and pre washed safe for aquariums dont remember the name of it but I believe they also make quiconcrete or something like that


Active Member
quickcrete makes a playsand as well bu its not the southdown stuff...the southdown stuff is actual aragonite, and is mined from the caribbean...not sure what you got but i woulda checked a couple times before addign it to the could experience problems down the road, its just too hard to say if the sand wasnt the southdown brand!
good luck


what you got was quickrette play sand it has a tan color to it,
also this sand is silica silicate free. I dont have any long term usage info about it but it will take about a week or more for the small particules to settle out. I used 100 LBS of it in my tank that is fish only not sure how is going to work in a reef.
as far as the mixing if the sand you have is larger than the playsand it will work its way to the bottom of the tank over time (dont know how long though if you have sifter type items in the tank it will be faster than if you dont).


Rane, The Southdown comes in a clear bag with red and blue labeling. Usually the Riverdale HD has a couple of pallets in stock. They tried to sell me the the other stuff when i picked up my bags last fall. Said something about it being cheeper. The stock guy looked quite puzzled when after asking what i needed it for a i told him that it was going into the fish tank.


Do you remember how much was it, does it come in the 50lb bags? if thats the case I will dump all this sand and just get it from them, is it asa cheap as this tan play sand? this was like $3.50 for a 50lb bag
Thanks guys for the advise