Plea for additional info


New Member
I am still in dire need of expert advice. Please read the question posted on 3/23 about alkaline and hard water problems for the details. Only 1 answer and 1 question replied to the original question. Additional fatalies include a slow dying brittle starfish and green crab, as well as most of my crabs that came in my live rock. The only survivors are 2 horseshoe crabs, a yellow tang, and a feeble condylactis. Could the dark green coloration on all the rocks be blue-green algae and could that be the culprit. Several people have advised that the KH level shouldn't kill everything off and that it must be something else.


I've read that calcium is essential in the reef tank and for inverts(including live rock) It is the high kh that is interfering with your calcium. Along with your other tests get one for calcium and phosphates, and check these out. If your fish are all doing alright, this further tells me it is an invert problem which of course are significanty more sensitive to levels and to your simply putzing in the tank.
Try my suggestion in your other post.
[This message has been edited by Kris (edited 03-28-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Kris (edited 03-28-2000).]